Nutrition is one of the foundations of human health and development. Good nutrition plays an important role in people’s health and well-being; conversely, poor nutrition can lead to anaemia, reduced immunity, and impaired physical and mental development (World Health Organization [WHO] 2014). According to the 2011 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS 2011), 33 percent of children under the age of 5 in Uganda are stunted (too short for their age) and almost half (49 percent) suffer from anaemia. Malnutrition in Uganda has immediate and underlying causes. Immediate causes include: repeated infections (including acute respiratory infections, diarrhoea, and malaria) and suboptimal breastfeeding and IYCF practices that result in inadequate dietary intake. And underlying causes include lack of safe water, hygiene, and sanitation; food insecurity; high fertility; gender inequality; and poverty.The primary focus of Ugandan agricultural policy has been on increasing productivity and commercialization of staple foods and cash crops to raise the income of farmers.

Many households in Tooro region have failed to strike a balance between food security and household income. With the vast good soils and weather in Tooro region, a lot of food is produced but much of it goes to the market leaving very little to eat in homes. Households who are food secure have inadequate knowledge to prepare a balanced meal for their household members. According to USAID 2018. “Country Profile: Uganda” Stunting ranges from a high of 41 percent in Tooro sub-region to a low of 14 percent in Teso sub-region.

Under this programme, TISED-U works with different development partners to promote the production, prepartion and consumption of micronutrient rich foods and African indigenous vegetables.


  • The overall objectives is to lower the incidence of malnutrition, avert excess mortality due to malnutrition and promote better nutritional status in Tooro Region


  • Community sensitization on community best nutrition practices through local radio stations, TV stations, community meetings and Music, Dance and Drama.
  • Promotion of household nutrition kitchen gardens in rural and peri-urban communities
  • Promoting and supporting nutrition clinics.

Promote appropriate infant and young child feeding practices.