The Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms that education is a fundamental human right for everyone. Participating in education is also viewed as part of the solution to reducing poverty. Education is a powerful tool by which economically and socially marginalized adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty and participate fully as citizens. It is one of the most important things because without education, you cannot contribute to the world or earn money, and lack knowledge. Education is what removes our doubts and fears, what makes us happy and successful, what makes us better human beings. The teacher comes, removes the darkness, and suddenly we find how beautiful this world is.

However, Uganda like many other developing countries faces major challenges in providing quality and accessible basic education to its citizens at levels. These include a high level of teacher and student absenteeism, weak school level management structures, inadequate availability of learning materials, and large class sizes. A major issue is also the availability of teachers in disadvantaged areas and a lack of accommodation for teachers in rural, hard to reach areas.

Nearly one out of every five children in Uganda is uneducated. The problem is particularly serious among young girls living in rural areas in Tooro Region. Many school children cannot finish their schooling as they must abandon this in order to help pay family expenses. Early marriage, teenage pregnancy, abuse at schools, long distances to school and school fees keep many teens, especially girls, out of secondary schools. Children with disabilities are largely excluded from formal schooling because of shortages of special needs teachers and facilities.

Under this programme, TISED-U is committed to supporting equitable and inclusive education-leaving no one behind. TISED-U gives much priority to vulnerable children especially rural girls and girls in poor urban households.


  • Increase enrolment and retention of school going population (aged between 5-18 years) with emphasis on gender equity and inclusiveness; while address socio-cultural barriers that hinder the enrolment of girls and children with special needs through community mobilization and sensitization, and by combating violence in the school place.
  • Facilitate the integration of HIV and COVID-19 prevention education for teachers, youth and children into education.
  • Facilitate the availability of adequate and relevant basic education materials, kits and supplies.



  • School infrastructure development
  • Girl child education campaigns
  • Advocacy for better education services