Princess Margret KumubaiziAbwooli is a founder member of Tooro Initiative for Socio-Economic Development (TISEDU-U). She is a princess of Tooro Kingdom and an Aunt to the King of Tooro His Majesty Oyo NyimbaKabambaIguruRukidi IV. She is the head of princesses(Batebe) of Tooro Kingdom.Tooro is a constitutional monarchy and one of the five traditional kingdoms located…

Founder Member

Mr. Mwanga Julius is the CEO and founder member of Tooro Initiative for Socio-Economic Development (TISEDU-U). Mr. Mwanga holds an MBA-HR from India and a BA.(SWASA) from Makerere University Kampala. He has a wide experience in Research and Community Development stretching over 18 years. Mr. Mwanga has hands on skills and experience in Institutional Development…