Princess Margret KumubaiziAbwooli is a founder member of Tooro Initiative for Socio-Economic Development (TISEDU-U). She is a princess of Tooro Kingdom and an Aunt to the King of Tooro His Majesty Oyo NyimbaKabambaIguruRukidi IV. She is the head of princesses(Batebe) of Tooro Kingdom.Tooro is a constitutional monarchy and one of the five traditional kingdoms located within the borders of Uganda.Princess Margret is a retired civil servant of the republic of Uganda and served for many years in Uganda Hotels. She is currently serving the kingdom of God as a preacher. Princess Margret is very passionate about cultures and strongly believes that culture is one of the main pillars of development and sustenance of communities and no society can progress in its absence.Her strong rooting in Tooro Kingdom and her passion for culture and development makes her a very strong cultural pillar for TISED-U’s work.